The 2-Ingredient Mousse That Reminds Us of Our Childhood

Where do we start with this gluten free mousse recipe?! It's two ingredients (aka a blessing in disguise) and it takes about 2 seconds to make (we're talking dump in a blender and you're ready to roll) but there's something even better about it - the moment it touched our lips it took us back to some sweet, fruity treat from our childhood.

collagen mousse gluten free recipe

We think it may be the amazing creaminess and strawberry flavour that reminds us of those yoghurt drinks that were hugely popular when we were growing up but since we can't put our finger on it, we just keep making this mousse over and over. Let's be honest, having the excuse of making and eating something over and over for the sake of nostalgic research ranks pretty up there. All you'll need to make this recipe is our delicious Antiox Beauty Collagen, full fat coconut milk and a blender. Bonus points, each serve of the mousse contains 5 grams of hydrolysed marine collagen thanks to the Antiox Beauty Collagen and provides a source of protein.

collagen dessert mousse recipe

The other truly magical part of the recipe is that not only do these two ingredients taste incredible together but they are nutritionally a dynamic duo. Fat soluble vitamins like vitamin A & E which can be found in Antiox Beauty Collagen need foods to provide fat as a vehicle to ensure absorption. Coconut milk being a rich source of good fatty acids acts as not just a creamy, silky constituent but also an absorption tool.

beauty berry gluten free mousse recipe

Trust us, this will be the breeziest 5 minutes you'll ever spend in the kitchen! If you can hold out from eating the mix straight away, spoon into cups and chill in the fridge for an hour. 



gluten free recipe

MAKE TIME: 5 min



1 can full fat coconut milk, chilled overnight

4 tbsp Morlife® Antiox Beauty Collagen


  1. Open the can of coconut milk from the bottom and scrape out the cream into a medium sized mixing bowl.
  2. Add the Morlife Antiox Beauty Collagen to the coconut cream.
  3. Whip the mixture with a hand mixer until stiff peaks form.
  4. Serve immediately or chill and enjoy.

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Example blog post